Beauty RX




Here are some of my family favorite Natural Beauty products.

My Mom uses Tart Cherry Juice to aid in inflammation, and it is know to help the muscles relax so it's good for muscle tension, and muscle cramps. 

Charisse uses Pure Coconut Oil for her hair, on her skin ( but caution, you may not want to use on the skin in the morning in the summer because you can get skin burn,) cooking, and as a muscle relaxer in her baths.

Danielle uses Extra Virgin Olive Oil in her hair, and Part of her pedicures (use a spray bottle & spray it on your feet and sit for about 30 minutes with plastic bags on and it softens your feel well).

Shontia uses Peppermint and Tea Tree oils in her conditioners. It aids in keeping her scalp clean and refreshed.

Dawn uses She Butter to tame her edges, and Slippery elm to soothe her digestive issues.

Bernita uses Arm Pit Paste, a natural deodorant with no aluminum that works really well.

And My go to natural product is Ginger root, or ground Ginger.  I put it in my water as well as tea's.  It's very good for tummy ache's, inflammation, heart burn, digestive issues, and migraine relief.   
*I hope this helps in staying the beautiful you that you are.  Smile, and enjoy using natures products.

As Always, Be Blessed........ :-}
Nykea Williams
Spread A Little Joy......


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