*Please share info on this amazing local organization helping Wash., DC teens. THANKS TO YOU NEW THINGS ARE HAPPENING REACHING A WORLD OF KIDS IN OUR NATION'S CAPITAL Christopher Chiles, Area Director (also pictured - wife Jamia and son JC) THE NEW BEGINNING Good Day! It is a fresh beginning here in Southeast DC and if you are receiving this newsletter it is because at some point in time the Lord moved upon your heart to give and sow into the lives of teens in Southeast DC through the efforts of Young Life. I want to take this moment to thank you and to let you know that I praise the Lord for you. We have been able to witness the Lord do some incredible things. However, we have not done a great job with sharing those things with you. For that I would like to apologize and also seek your forgiveness. Planting a seed is a very important experience....but bei...