Help A Child Go To Summer Camp in August

We Are Just Different.....Not Indifferent.
*****Camp Time*****
Every August, we have had the privilege of going out of our way to take a few of our friends from around the way out of the city and into the mountains of New York state to experience a week long escape at Young Life's Lake Champion camp. 
This August is no different. We are gearing up to get these guys and girls on the bus again August 15th-20th. I am excited to have you all as the team that has been formed to make this happen. At the end of the summer you will be able to say that you helped 15 kids from SE get away from the city, have the best week of their lives, and experience an encounter with the Lover of their souls, our Savior Jesus Christ.
This is no easy task. Camp cost $479.00 per person and on top of have to convince kids to leave their surroundings for a whole week.
Well you can help in a few ways. We have a few fundraisers lined up:
  1. Bowl-a-Thon (kids get as many sponsors as they can to commit, play one game of bowling, sponsors give .25 per point made, STRIKE!!)
  2. Car Wash (This will be a day where kids going will wash cars and sell hot dogs and water. Proceeds will go to Transportation to camp)
  3. Restaurant Madness (We have a few restaurants where we will be holding fundraisers, Sweet Frog and Chic Fila are the first two)
Raise awareness of all of these events!!! They could pay for our camp trip!!!  
(Total we need raised for this trip, $7,885.00)
Please contact Christopher Chiles to donate. And Thanks for your help. These teens deserve to have a great summer. :)
Christopher M. Chiles
Area Director
DC South/DC37
Young Life/ DC Metro Region

P.O. Box 30929 Washington, DC 20030
As Always, Be Blessed..........  :-}
Nykea Williams


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